Government Committee Should Be Set Up For The Grant Disbursement – UAAG Beneficiaries


Why is government taking over
a non governmental project?
This money can never be
Nigerian money, who sourced
for it and what’s the name of
the funds to be disbursed?
We still need the names of the
government committee
in-charge of the disbursement?
Project like this should have a

If these questions are not
answered, press conference
will still hold. We need to know
the source of the money, the
actual value, and how who has
benefited from it. Forensic audit
will have to follow.

Nigerian government can never
share this country’s funds to
the masses. Nigerian
government has no citizens in
mind for good. 

government embarks only on
projects that will put large part
of the funds into their accounts.

Press conference must hold
even if disbursement hold
except beneficiaries get
something reasonable

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