Trust, Friends
Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship, whether with friends, family, or co-workers. However, not everyone is deserving of our trust. Yes, you heard that right. There are certain types of individuals who may exhibit behaviours or characteristics that should raise red flags. Here are some types of people you should never trust.
1. Chronic Liars
People who habitually lie or manipulate the truth are not trustworthy. Chronic liars may deceive others for personal gain or to avoid consequences, making it difficult to rely on anything they say.

2. Manipulators
Manipulative individuals use cunning tactics to control or influence others for their own benefit. They may exploit vulnerabilities or emotions to achieve their goals, making it challenging to trust their intentions.

3. Gossipers
Those who gossip excessively or spread rumours about others cannot be trusted to keep sensitive and confidential information. Gossips thrive on drama and may betray your trust by sharing personal details or secrets.

4. Opportunists
Opportunistic individuals should never be trusted because they prioritise their own interests above anyone else and may take advantage of others for personal gain. 

They may be charming and persuasive but…lack genuine concern for others’ well-being.

5. Backstabbers
Another type of people you should never trust are backstabbers. Backstabbers pretend to be supportive and friendly but secretly undermine or betray those they claim to be loyal to. 

They may spread rumours, sabotage efforts, or betray confidence behind your back.

6. Habitual Rule Breakers

Individuals who consistently disregard rules, boundaries, or ethical standards cannot be relied upon to uphold their commitments or obligations. 

Their disregard for rules indicates a lack of integrity and reliability.

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