Sky B: Marilyn Oma Anona Question The True Story Behind Singer’s Downfall

The other day, I saw photos of the veteran singer SKY B who was once rumoure d to be d ead online. 

A content creator seemed to have stumbled on him and is trying to help him which is admirable. 

The summary of the story is that SKY B has been facing lots of challenges and now lives in a one room apartment in the trenches. 

He didn’t even have a phone at the time he was spotted and was living in the most deplorable situation. 

This is someone who had great fame. 

He isn’t ill…

No report of such!

What happened to him?

I saw the content creator’s efforts and it is good. 

He got him an android phone and made him create a Facebook account. 

He also said he will ensure that he gets a better accommodation which is also good. 

But what was lacking in the narratives is the report of what actually got him (SKY B ) to that level. 

How did he get to that deplorable level?

This is someone who had FAME when FAME wasn’t that easy to acquire unlike now when anyone can be FAMOUS. 

What happened? 

Are there habits, addictio ns he has that affected him or are affecting him? 

What is his lifestyle like? 

It is important to find out these things so that whatever help he is getting will be meaningful and solution long lasting. 

That is true empowerment. 

True rehabilitation. 

True help.

True solution. 

Most times…

You don’t help people by just giving them money!

If a pot is found outside… dir ty and leaking…

You don’t just wash, polish it and drop on the cooker…

You have to fix the leakage to get that pot fully ready to serve its purpose!

You must fix the leakage. 


Beyond trying to polish SKYB…

Please, the people who have access to him should try to find out if he is really okay psychologically and if he is dealing with some habits or addictio ns that he needs help with and also check lifestyle!

I wish him well. 

I wish us all well. 

Written by Marilyn Oma Anona – Usobunandu

Credit,: Oriental Times

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